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More about me!

Hey! Welcome to my website. I am a second year biochemistry major at The University of Texas at Austin. Additionally, I am pursuing a certificate in statistical data sciences and Spanish. 



Why I chose to study abroad

In high school, I always looked up to my tennis coach. I remember one day she told me her one of her regrets in college was not studying abroad. Although I knew it was financially infeasible to do so, I was determined to make it happen. I worked at 4 pharmacies the summer before college and picked up a retail job on the side as well! College, however, is expensive and I remember always hovering over study abroad, feeling defeated. Multiple times on my agenda I had written to attend an interest meeting but never attended one because I was so scared that I'd fall in love with something I couldn't pay for. I came from a Title I high school, was a first generation student, and did not have a background of wealth. I genuinely never felt like I fit in, and many times considered transferring to a university closer to home. The idea of studying abroad danced in my head until my first final season at the University of Texas (yes, holiday season doesn't exist until your last final is done!) I always loved learning languages and enrolled in SPN 601D, first-year Spanish. I never loved a class so much! My Spanish professor emailed us about the program **insert here w link**.  This was actually an extension of the program deadline, and I knew if I didn't apply now I never would.  I consulted with my study abroad adviser who told me about many resources on and off campus that could help me fund my trip abroad, one of which was the Gilman Scholarship. Everything set off from there. I never planned that I would study abroad after my first year in college, but it was the best decisions I've ever made. I was a global ambassador for my university (if you'd like to read my blogs along with other ambassadors', click here!) and finally felt like I fit in at my university. I finally felt like I had the experiences and knowledge that made me more confident I fit in the University. The best things in life can come unexpected sometimes! If you have any inquiries regarding the process or my experience, please contact me by clicking here!

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